Friday, January 25, 2013

Intro to why I became a vegan

            For this new year of 2013 ,I have decided to go vegan. I have been a vegetarian for about a year now but after watching a few documentaries about not eating any sort of animal products, really opened my eye on how important it is for you, not just physically but environmentally as well. I love animals and visually seeing what happens to them in the food industries was actually traumatizing for me. You really don't think about what they go through when your eating that big juicy hamburger or drinking that tall glass of milk, even eating that fresh egg salad sandwich.

           I admit, the day after watching these videos I ate at a buffet, keeping in mind I was still a "vegetarian", piled my plate with cheese, egg bake, cake and even fish. After consuming my animal laden meal, I really felt guilty and I felt like a hypocrite. Here I am crying for these animals the day before, feeling for these animals , now look at what I am doing...eating these animals! Then I started thinking....what am I suppose to even eat if I went vegan? I'm not a fruit person at all. I do love veggies, but I can only eat so many salads. What about family functions? I'm suppose to pile my plate with broccoli, no dip, a bushel of grapes and a handful of peanuts?? While everyone else stuffs themselves with pastas, biscuits, cheesecake, and cookies?! This was going to be harder than I thought!I decided to try anyways.

           Beginning January 7th 2013.... I was now officially a vegan! My first day I was clueless. Maybe I should have researched this first. I work in a deli and could literally eat nothing! I'm so used to snacking all day. I was starving by the time I went on my break. I bought my usual, Kellogg's fruit snacks and ate those. I love them! Not knowing what all is considered "vegan" I checked out the back of the package. Sure enough gelatin! Do you know what gelatin is? Gelatin: protein obtained by boiling animal skins, tendons, ligaments, and/or bones with water. That's enough for me to not eat those fruit snacks. It's even in Jello, candy and my favorite...marshmallows!
My cousin had just become a raw vegan 3 months before and had posted youtube videos on her facebook about how healthy being raw was , so I decided to start there. I watched the videos and became a little more motivated. The girls on these videos looked healthy , happy and energized! Although there was no way I could go raw, I started thinking more about my health and overall well-being.

This is a video I enjoy watching:

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